I'm thankful for...
So since this Thursday is Thanksgiving I thought why not blog about it?! What are you thankful for? Everybody knows the usual answers like my family, my friends, a house, food, clothes, you know stuff like that. But, have you ever thought about who gave you all of that? Now you may have these things because you or your parents worked hard for them, which is true, but why do you have your family? You have your family because the Lord gave you that family. He gave you all of your friends, all of your pets and the animals, and all of creation He gave to US. He made this entire world for little tiny us. Then, on top of making it for us to "borrow" He instead gave it to us. All we have to do is enjoy, and take care of our gift. So this week when someone asks what you're thankful for don't forget to thank the Creator. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Until next time,
She Who Dares
Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.-Ephesians 5:20
P.S. Just for funnsies list at least 5 things in the comments below that you are thankful for!
Here are mine: 1. My Family (they are my rock)
2. My Friends (when you need to get away or talk to someone they are there)
3. My Pets (when you want to cuddle!)
4. THE CREATOR!! (you see what I did there!)
5. My House (my family has been through a crazy house roller coaster and the one we have now is a HUGE blessing)