A message for humanity

Pain. Pain is a reaction from our body after a hurtful event has occurred.
I think pain is one of the strongest emotions a human can feel. People can do the most destructive or uplifting things when they are coming from a place of pain.
They can burn down cities or rebuild communities. Pain is one of those things that can consume a person's entire being if you let it.
Why do I write about pain, something so depressing? Because I have felt it countless times and it never gets any better, no matter how many times I feel it, it feels exactly the same.
It just hurts.
The thing is, you don't know what other people are going through, what their lives are like when they are not around you, or the waves of emotions they feel in a day.
Coming from someone who is very well versed in the art of, "stuffing their feelings" they may not show it, but everyone is going through something.
Everyone has struggles, a story, a past.
Be kind.
Don't judge others for their past mistakes or their current struggles. Just because they are facing battles that are not the same as yours does not mean they aren't fighting just as hard.
Everyone has wounds, scars, and hurts.
Just be kind.
Recently, it seems as if so many people have become so hard and cold, taking out their unresolved emotions on others and it is coming out as just plain mean actions towards others.
Nobody deserves to be treated less than.
We are all humans, all on a journey, just trying to find our way in this world and sometimes it can feel lonely, dark, and scary.
So let those around you know that you care about them. Be kind to all those you meet, you don't know what they are going home to.
After all, this is literally the epitome of the life of Jesus and the gospel. He, in His perfection, came down to earth to take on an entire world's sin to bring us life. And he spent the entirety of his time here on earth loving people, just as they were, flaws and all because that is what matters at the end of the day, loving God and loving people.
So, be kind.
xx Brielle
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” ~ Mark 12:30-31