Those who mind don't matter...

So, my question is how are you living?
What is your focus in life? What is your goal?
Is your focus to please God or to please others?
I ask you these questions because I think we have a major issue in our society today.
Everywhere you look there's a picture of how you're supposed to look, or how you're supposed to dress.
I think all too often we try to keep up with these unachievable standards and we end up exhausted and weary in the process.
Now don't get me wrong, I love doing makeup and getting all dressed up. I even go to the extent of picking out everything I'm going to wear the night before.
But. you know what my favorite thing to do when get home is?
Taking off my makeup. Yep! That is my favorite thing.
You know why?
Because, to me the feeling of taking off all the stuff I put on my face who knows how many HOURS ago, that doesn't look that great anymore because it's been worn to its max, is an amazing feeling. It feels so good to just take it off. My face feels so much cleaner and I can see the real me. I took off the mask.
That's what I want you to feel, I want you to feel the relief that comes from taking off your makeup. I want you to feel the freedom that comes from taking off your mask.
You don't have to be perfect to be loved, you just have to be you. And the sooner you realize that, the happier you'll be.
It took me a long time to realize that. For a while I thought if I dress this way or wear makeup all the time, everyone will like me. Nope. It just doesn't work that way.
And I know it's really tough to think that no matter how hard you try not everyone is going to like you. But it doesn't matter. Because all the people who really do like you won't care what you look like or whether you are following the latest trends: they'll love you no matter what.
Instead we should be living for our Heavenly Father, the one who'll NEVER stop loving us. Because His opinion is the only one that really matters.
So, are you going to live your life for God?
Bible verse- Whatever you do work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not men. ~Colossians 3:23