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Christmas time is here...

Recently I had the opportunity share a very small part of my testimony and answer the question of what God means in my life at Christmas time.

And I would like to share that with you.

A couple years ago my family didn't really have any money. So, none of us got much of anything for Christmas.

All we really had that year was each other. And let me tell you, when you don't have hardly anything else your faith grows like CRAZY!

We only had God and each other, and the funny thing is, that was enough.

I honestly can't remember one time that year that someone was upset or disappointed because they didn't get an iphone (or whatever the most desired gift was that year).

We were able to be thankful and count all the blessings we did have. And all we had was love.

You know, love is one of the most powerful things that there is in life.

Think about it, if you are walking around being a grumpy old Scrooge not many people are going to like you. But what would happen if you made an effort to love all the people around you? What would happen if you smiled and said hello to that one guy no one ever talks to? What would happen if you loved everyone like God loves us?

God sent His son down as a baby because He loved us so much.

God doesn't have conditional love, He has unconditional love. He has given us this amazing free gift to be loved and to love others but so often we ignore it.

So, this Christmas instead of worrying about all presents and hustle and bustle of the season, why don't we open up our free gift and share it with the world.



Bible verse: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua our Lord. -Romans 8:38-39

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