
Hello beautiful people!
So, how many of you have ever thought, "Why can't I just have a normal life? Or have normal friends or family?"
I know I have.
I have questioned why my life wasn't normal MANY times.
It's hard when you can't see the end, when you don't know how your story is going to turn out.
It's hard to trust God when things aren't "normal" or going the "right way".
In those times it's so easy to question why? Why can't my life be normal like their life? Why can't my family be normal? Why, why, why?
But, the reality is nobody is actually normal. There is no such thing as normal.
I think especially in this day and age, where we have social media and the "normal", "ideal" image of how we are supposed to look and act, it can be hard distinguish between what is normal and what society is saying is "normal".
Each and everyday society throws these images at us (especially at us girls) that are totally FALSE! All too often we believe the things that they are telling us. I need to be skinnier, I need to be stronger, I need to have blonde hair to be considered beautiful, whatever they may be.
But please just take a moment and listen to this truth: YOU are enough, you are worthy, you are beautiful, you are brave, you are loved, you are AMAZING just the way you are! You are a masterpiece created by a wonderful, creative God. A God who holds your heart in His hands. Listen, He took the time to create YOU, just the way you are. He knew you would have imperfections, and He still created you because He thought YOU were worth it. You are so worth it that He died on a cross so that He could have an eternal relationship with YOU!
Friend, please, step back, look around, step outside of everything for a minute, and look around; look at all the beauty around you. So often the beauty is found in the imperfections.
He loves you just the way you are, with your imperfect self, family, friends, and life. All you have to do is love them back, because He loves you. And I promise one day it will all be better. We are not in this world forever. One day we will be living in a place with no more tears.
Dear friend you are loved.
We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~Romans 8: 37-39