On this crazy ride called life...

OK, so, I know I kinda disappeared on y'all, but life can just get crazy sometimes, and you just feel like you can't do anymore. That's what happened to me.
So, this quote is a little crazy but I think we can all feel this way sometimes.We feel like, well, we're just trying to stand up in a hammock.
Now, you can know that you are not the only person in world that this has happened to. It has happened to me many a time. But, I've learned that we don't have to feel this way. We choose to feel this way.
You see, I didn't realize we have a choice to feel this way until last week when I had the privilege of going to a conference for seven days. We try so hard to fix our problems and act like everything is just fine and it's all under control. We try to stuff down all our feelings and we lie to ourselves and others telling them, "I'm fine. Everything is OK". But, it's not and that is also OK.
You know why? It's because God wants to take that burden, all those feelings of hopelessness, feeling like you're not enough, feeling overwhelmed with the things of this world. He wants to take it all away and carry it for you. He comes to us time and time again just asking us to give it up, and just give it to Him. And yet we refuse such a gift and instead we claim we have it under control and it's all "OK". But, He knows the truth. And all He says is, "Give it to me. I can hold it, you don't have to. Just come to me". So, we need to let it go.
Now, I tell you this having been on both sides - just give it up. He is standing there with open arms ready to receive all our burdens, pain, and sorrow. I've tried holding everything for a long time and it always fell apart; I couldn't ever hold it all. Let me tell you there is a freedom, like no other, in truly giving it all up. I thought I had given God my everything but I had never truly, fully surrendered. In order to have a closer relationship with God you have to surrender it all and let Him take care of everything. Then you can truly bask in the light of His glory. So, what are you waiting for? Go surrender your life over to the one who made you.
Bible Verse: "That the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God." ~ Romans 8:21
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
~ Matthew 11:28-30
Song: "No Longer Slaves" -Bethel Music